How to Setup Kafka Web Console
“Kafka Web Console” is a open source monitor tool for Kafka
This project is hosted at It’s a very simple console that only suit for learning Kafka purpose. (Until when the post written.)
Install Play Framework.
- Download here
- Unzip to /path/to/play
- Build Play. /path/to/play/framework/build
Install Kafka-web-console.
- git clone /path/to/kafka-web-console
- (or download the stable zip from
Run the server
- Enable port 9000 for the server.
- cd /path/to/kafka-web-console
- /path/to/play/play start
- Then the web console is servicing on port 9000.
register zookeeper
Check status to see if connected
- “Database xxx needs evolution!” - Solution for database is not initialized.
- use “play -DapplyEvolutions.default=true” to start.
- Or add “applyEvolutions.default=true” in conf/application.conf
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