API Gateway by Fabio & Consul

Fabio is a HTTP router app written by Go language. It is Zero-configuration and simple to deploy. As official document mentioned, “It delivers 23.000 req/sec every day since Sep 2015 without problems”. It’s written and maintained by Frank Schroeder at eBay in Amsterdam.

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Ubuntu12 虚拟机网络配置


用VM Player 4.0装了Ubuntu 12 server,然后复制了几个组成局域网来使用,发现了一些问题,网上基本上找不到完整的解决方法,这里记录下来。

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一直比较喜欢和敬佩能改变或重新定义一个行业一个产业的人和公司,Bill Gates 改变了人们使用电脑的方法,Jobs 重新定义了手机,任天堂将游戏从桌面带到了屏幕,又从沙发带到了客厅,从家里带到了身上,facebook 把社交带到了电脑(准确来说,虚拟人生很早就在做这个事情),Google改变了互联网的入口,亚马逊、Google 等改变了计算方式,……

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现在的互联网,以及所谓的物联网,争的是两块,一块是服务端,也就是云端,另一块是终端。 云端现在是Amazon, Google暂时领先于基础架构领域,MS, Apple 处于追赶之中,Facebook/Twitter则领先于SNS(此SNS含义相当广,包括身份,信用,关系,服务,应用等等)方面。传统厂商如IBM, HP基于其固有的优势,大力推广所谓私有云,实质是企业cluster,在下一代互联网中已
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Samuel Chen

I am living in Wuhan with my wife and daughter.
Before 2010, I was living in Beijing for a long time.
My interesings are cloud technology, distributed system, data mining and mobile technologies.
In my spare time, I like to play football and swiming.
“Explorer. Dream. Discover. “ is my favorite quotation. And it is also the way I am looking for and doing.

Wuhan, China