使用 Rclone 同步云端和本地文件以部署静态网站

之前在这篇blog中介绍过使用Azure Client az 来部署生成到网站. 使用az很方便,但是也有些缺点,例如会把整个网站全部重新上传一遍,速度慢不说,还浪费多次blob的操作。后来找到了另外一个工具rclone下载、安装、文档,或使用各平台包管理器安装),它可以像rsync一样同步本地和远端文件,只更新变化过的文件。

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在 Azure Blob 存储上部署 Hexo 静态网站

_所有静态网站都可用采用此方法_ 之前,个人博客一直都是用 Hexo 生成并部署为 GitHub Pages。最近知道,因为百度的爬虫太频繁而被 GitHub 屏蔽了,所以所有部署在 GitHub 上的网站都没有收录。不深究这个理由是否靠谱,得给博客换个地方了。 手头有 Azure 和 Vultr 的 VPS,但考虑到部署静态网站到 VPS 有点大材小用,而且需要部署 HTTPServer 防火墙
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API Gateway by Fabio & Consul

Fabio is a HTTP router app written by Go language. It is Zero-configuration and simple to deploy. As official document mentioned, “It delivers 23.000 req/sec every day since Sep 2015 without problems”. It’s written and maintained by Frank Schroeder at eBay in Amsterdam.

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Ubuntu12 虚拟机网络配置


用VM Player 4.0装了Ubuntu 12 server,然后复制了几个组成局域网来使用,发现了一些问题,网上基本上找不到完整的解决方法,这里记录下来。

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Samuel Chen

I am living in Wuhan with my wife and daughter.
Before 2010, I was living in Beijing for a long time.
My interesings are cloud technology, distributed system, data mining and mobile technologies.
In my spare time, I like to play football and swiming.
“Explorer. Dream. Discover. “ is my favorite quotation. And it is also the way I am looking for and doing.

Wuhan, China