基于 HashiCorp Vault 和 Consul 的密钥仓库解决方案
Keystore cluster based on Vault & Consul
具体部署可参考 敏感信息的加密存储 以及 基于 Consul 的服务发现
Vault + consul 配置
Consul 配置. consul1.json: :
1 | { |
Vault 配置. vault.hcl:
1 | storage "consul" { |
— END —
Keystore cluster based on Vault & Consul
具体部署可参考 敏感信息的加密存储 以及 基于 Consul 的服务发现
Vault + consul 配置
Consul 配置. consul1.json: :
1 | { |
Vault 配置. vault.hcl:
1 | storage "consul" { |
— END —
I am living in Wuhan with my wife and daughter.
Before 2010, I was living in Beijing for a long time.
My interesings are cloud technology, distributed system, data mining and mobile technologies.
In my spare time, I like to play football and swiming.
“Explorer. Dream. Discover. “ is my favorite quotation. And it is also the way I am looking for and doing.